Saturday, December 28, 2019

Organizational Culture And Human Behavior - 1323 Words

Successful projects are those that are completed within the agreed upon scope and budget, and on time. Cost and schedule overages cause majority of projects unsuccessful. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations employ better ideas and novel methodologies and frameworks in managing projects (Murthy, 2014). A major factor of a project’s success is the behavior of the employees. Employee behavior is influenced by organizational culture and leadership. This paper will briefly explore the influence organizational culture and human behavior have on the success of projects, in particular projects plagued with conflict. First, this paper will discuss the influences organizational culture has on the success of projects. Secondly, the role project leadership plays in the success of projects and how project managers can build and manage effective teams. Finally, strategies on successfully managing the relationships between team members and the relationships between the team and external resources will be provided. Organizational Culture’s Influence Organizational culture is defined as values that are shared by a group (Kotter and Heskett, 1992). An organization s culture is the primary influence on employee performance. Organizational culture influences performance by shaping the behavior of organization members (Tsai, 2011). It provides unity for employees. The culture is shaped by the organization’s vision or mission along with a competitive and regulatory environment whichShow MoreRelatedLearning About Human Behavior And Organizational Culture, Motivation, Managing Conflict, And Negotiation1242 Words   |  5 PagesLearning About Human Behavior Human Behavior in Organizations is a five week course; however the information that is presented over the five weeks is difficult to absorb and assimilate into everyday life. 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