Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Skills Shortage and HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Skills Shortage and HRM - Essay Example Hence, people are discouraged from education and the economy of that country suffers immensely 9 Beresford, pg 190, 2004). However, a somewhat opposite situation from the one described above, is the situation of plenty of jobs being available and very few workers available with suitable skills and qualifications for the job. In the former scenario described, a number of job-seekers are running after one job, whilst in the latter scenario, many companies are running after one potential employee. This is because the economy holds few skilled workers in the required profession and many companies require those skills, hence, companies are competing to recruit the same employees (Capelli, pg 145, 2005). Issue of Scarcity Such shortages usually occur in highly skilled and technological fields, which are constantly evolving with the rapid change in technology. Employees must be trained regularly to meet the changing technological environment and enhance their expertise. One of the most worr isome situations for companies is the situation of having vacancies in a required field, but experiencing recruitment problems. Many companies rely on these employees for progress and success in their business, yet because of recruitment problems, many resources are diverged from actual operations to employee recruitment. This causes a loss for the company and deepening problems in business operations. Hence, companies must put up an effective fight to win the war for talent (Goss, pg 232, 1994). Recruitment Strategies There are several factors which may motivate employees to work for a certain company and may assist the company in recruiting employees. Such factors include the size and reputation of the company, working conditions, fringe benefits, pay rate, opportunities for promotion, management style, and training opportunities. Employees have differing opinions on their preferences and which factor influences them most when seeking jobs from a company. Pay may be very important for one employee, while the other employee will feel exhilarated by working for a reputable company offering exciting promotional possibilities. Hence, companies may negotiate with various employees in order to enhance their interest in the job and their motivational levels (Capelli, pg 146, 2005). However, some companies may be facing continuous recruitment problems and may be losing out while competing with other firms for talent. These companies probably lack one of the above mentioned factors and are not able to meet the needs of the required employees. Such problems are enhanced because of a lack of skilled labor to fit the job description and the potential employees who do fit the required criteria, may prefer other companies. Hence, the struggle becomes quite challenging for some smaller firms who cannot compete with the larger firms in offering employee benefits. There are a number of factors that the firm may focus on to increase employee recruitment levels and enhance emp loyee motivation. These factors combined may prove to result in a favorable situation in which employees may prefer to work for the smaller firm rather than go to the larger competitors (Debrah & Reid, pg 933, 1998). These factors include higher pays, better facilities, more benefits, training programs, or even a compromise on the part of the firm itself. The firm must analyze its personal situation in order to

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Mobile VoIP and WiMAX Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Mobile VoIP and WiMAX - Research Paper Example By definition a protocol is a set of rules that is used to allow orderly communication (Kelly, 2005). Actually, even if another type of network is used, the same set of internet protocols are used to transmit voice over that particular network. In the present era, mobile phones have revolutionized the world in many ways. It is mainly because of the portability and comfort it offers. People pay huge sum of money to buy those classy and slim mobiles. It has actually become a status symbol. Mobile phone is more than just a call and texting device. With all the latest apps and android processors, mobile serve many multimedia purposes, therefore, further increasing its worth and demand. Keeping these factors in mind many VoIP service providers looked into new ways of integrating their technology with mobile phones. This will enable the user to use their mobile phones to route calls over the internet. This is known as Mobile VoIP. This term can be defined as a procedure of applying VoIP te chnology to your mobile handsets (Tracey, 2008). But it requires the mobile user to have access to mobile internet via 3G networks or Wi-Fi. To understand why many VoIP service providers turned towards mobile VoIP, it is important to dig up few years of VoIP market history. It is interesting to know that most of the giants in the mobile VoIP today did not started as mobile VoIP service providers. For example, Skype is one of the largest mobile VoIP providers today and it evolved in this particular market over the years of struggle and experimentation. Skype started to provide its services as Skype-to-Skype free calls that would require both users to use a computer and internet connection. By the beginning of 2008 Skype had 276 million registered users around the world who had talked over 100 billion minutes using this service. There is little