Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How Can Diet Help Prevent Heart Attacks Research Paper

How Can Diet Help Prevent Heart Attacks - Research Paper Example All in all, it has been concluded that diet and nutrition, along with lifestyle activities, can have a significant impact on heart conditions. Introduction A healthy diet provides favorable effects on individuals who suffer from heart disease; generally speaking, a healthy diet can primarily contribute to the prevention of heart disease, slow down the progression of the heart disease that the individual is currently experiencing, as well as enable the patient to easily recover from heart surgery and other heart-related experiences (Kromhout, Menotti, Kesteloot, and Sans, 2002). Specific components of one’s diet significantly contribute to the prevention and cure of various heart disease aspects. Unhealthy diet, along with physical inactivity, can greatly lead to overweight and obesity and have been considered as the most prevalent factors that increase risks for heart disease. The function of diet and nutrition has been influenced by economic, physiological, cultural, and soci al factors. Most often, a healthy diet is combined with physical activities and behavioral changes to obtain positive outcomes when it comes to preventing heart disease and enabling heart disease patients to successfully recover. The following sections will then delve into the concept of a healthy diet and its impact on heart-related conditions. Additionally, the foods to avoid as well as those that should be consumed will be discussed along with the available ways with which the public can obtain assistance for heart disease cure and prevention. Discussion Definition of a Healthy Diet A healthy diet refers to one that supports the individual in maintaining and improving his/her health. It plays an important function for lowering the chronic risks for adverse health conditions, including heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and cancer (Hu and Willett, 2002). A healthy diet is comprised of adequate amounts of important nutrients along with sufficient amounts of water. Nutrients are obtained through a wide range of foods; therefore, a healthy diet requires a balance among various nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. This way, it will be capable of supporting the individual’s energy needs and providing the nutrients to address the needs for nutrition without having to bring about toxicity or excessive weight as a result of consuming disproportionate amounts of food (Kromhout et al, 2002). Several diets and recommendations have been established and promoted by certain health institutions, such as the World Health Organization. The group advises that health can be promoted and certain disease be prevented by following a number of guidelines, such as focusing on obtaining the ideal weight and achieving energy balance. Individuals should also limit their intake of saturated fats, focus more on unsaturated fats, and eliminate trans-fatty acids. Meanwhile, it has also been advised by the WHO to increase the consumption of nutritious groups of f ood, including whole grains, fruits, and vegetables while limiting the intake of sugar and salt. The American Heart Association also established recommendations with regards to having a healthy diet that is comprised of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Midterm Learning Reflection Essay Example for Free

Midterm Learning Reflection Essay Introduction. You should print this out, although you may also use it as a template to type over. You will be writing two reflections this term: a midterm reflection and a final reflection. The final reflection is the one you want to have ultimately on your portfolio. Both your midterm and final learning reflections must be 700 to 1000 words, which is approximately two to three MLA-formatted pages. You can check your word count by going to Tools/Word Count on the menu bar. Style and Format. The writing style of the learning reflection is primarily expressive, but will also contain narrative elements. You do not need a Works Cited page unless you cite something. So, if, for example, you cite song lyrics, one of our texts, a poem, or even a work of art, then you need a Works Cited page. I’ve included one here to serve you for formatting purposes. File formats. We are going to be learning how to convert Word documents to pdf format so that they load more easily in a browser window. If you can, please practice with one or both of the following two methods, which are what I use (they are free). 1. Install a free pdf converter. These are not truly â€Å"free† in that they either force you to look at some advertising or they add a line on each page advertising the manufacturer of the software. I don’t have a problem with either of these and gladly suffer through the free advertising every time I convert a file to pdf, which I do all the time. The one I use to create all the pdf files for my classes is at Download both the Pdf995 Printer Driver and the Free Converter (they are both free; they are required to work together, but for some reason, they are two separate downloads). After you go through the download and installation process, every time you want to create a pdf file from Word, all you need to do is select File/Print and then chose PDF995, which will show up as a â€Å"printer.† When you initiate this process of creating a pdf file, you will be prompted for a place to save the file, as well as a file name. Be careful to save the file to your H: drive or, if to your C: drive, to ftp (transfer) it over to your H: drive later. You will notice that some advertisements come up as the conversion process occurs. That’s the â€Å"price† you pay for the free conversion software. 2. The other pdf-conversion method I like is to use the free OpenOffice word processing software. This software should be in our labs. You can also download it for free on your own computer, from This is basically an open-source version of Microsoft Office. Once you’ve installed it (it’s large and takes a while to install), you can open any Word document with the OpenOffice word processing program (Open Document). Some of the original Word formatting may be lost – especially the header information with your last name and page number. You will need to add that back in; be sure you do it correctly. When you’re satisfied with the format, there is a little pdf icon on the toolbar that you can click, and that will automatically convert the document to pdf format. Learning Reflection Content. What should you discuss in your reflection? In general, you discuss what you’ve learned, what you’ve done especially well, what you’ve enjoyed – and the challenges you’ve encountered and how you might make changes in the future. Here are some suggestions for what to write about: †¢ Your experience transitioning from high school (or wherever you were previously) to a freshman in college, focusing on how you have grown as an individual and an independent student. †¢ Your experience in this particular course – your year-long freshman inquiry. In this regard, you should probably focus on the University Studies goals and the ways in which you have grown and developed with respect to those goals. I would expect that other courses have also contributed to the goal areas, so you might want to highlight any that have been particularly useful in that regard. †¢ Other experiences as a student here at Portland State. Portland State University’s mission is â€Å"Let Knowledge Serve the City,† which reflects the fact that we are an urban university. What have you learned with respect to community, diversity, and the connection between a learning community (the university) and the city in which it is located? Keep in mind that you may have acquired valuable experiences outside of the classroom, but still connected to your identity as a student. o Perhaps you have learned important lessons about discipline and time management as a student athlete, which may serve you well when you enter the workforce. o Maybe your involvement in activities with other students – such as taking dance classes or playing in the band or spending hours in an art studio or toughing out chemistry and physics labs – has improved your personal skills and brought to light new areas of interest, which you’ve pursued in your free time. o Or perhaps you’ve found out that you are a loner, that you haven’t connected very well with a lot of the people in your classes. As you reflect on this (or any other conclusions that some – maybe you – might consider, well, depressing), think of this is an opportunity to think of ways to make some changes in the future. †¢ A reflection, in other words, should include a self-assessment element as well as thinking along the lines of â€Å"What could I do better or differently in the future?† Consider the challenges you’ve faced, how you’ve overcome them, or how you’d like to overcome them in the future. Conclusion. Your reflection should end in a way that gives the reader the sense that you are closing up a chapter in your life and ready to move on, with some ideas in mind of what you might do differently. My suggestion is that you do not spend a lot of time critiquing the world around you; after all, you can’t change that very much. Confine your reflection to you and what you have learned and experienced. Dwelling on what you don’t like about a given course or program is not a reflection about you, but about something else. Works Cited Eakin, Paul John. How Our Lives Become Stories: Making Selves. Ithaca and London: Cornell UP, 1999. Fiske, John. â€Å"Popular Culture.† Critical Terms for Literary Study. Ed. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. 321 335. Harrison, Claire. â€Å"Hypertext Links: Whither Thou Goest, and Why.† First Monday. 7 Oct. 2002. 10 Feb. 2004 .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Vouchers and School Choice are Bad :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

School Choice and Vouchers are Bad I have spent considerable time reading the literature on the topic of school choice and tuition vouchers. I was initially in favor of the idea simply because it seems to be common sense. After just a little reading, I am now an advid supporter. After all, our entire standard of living is based on the idea of choice. The more choices we have, and the means to pursue those choices, the higher the standard of living we enjoy. In our lives, simply stated, choice means everything. When it comes to public schooling is there a choice? David Kirkpatrick, in his book, Choice In Schooling, argues that choice already exists de facto in our system and it is not regulated. It is because of this lack of regulation such inequality exists. Let us not kid ourselves, education may profess to be about equity and equal opportunity, but this has never been the case in America or any other country. Education is about power. Power is a tool guarded by those who have it. Those with the means in this society already have exercised their choice and have built their own schools based on choice and in turn new opportunities. The masses have then been left to the confines of a limited system. Make no mistake, in a capitalist society, this is by design. I remember reading the America at Risk report on Education in America, there was one line in there that summed up the educational system in this country and the lack of effort to change it. "If this current educational system was instituted in America by a foreign nation, it would be cause for a social revolution and a formal declaration of war." Yet it is accepted by those in power and justified for its existence through laws and coercion of the masses. Why then do schools stay relatively unchanged? The article, A School for Choice, by Debra Viadero, outlines some "red flags" that are meant to caution for school choice. In my opinion, taken together, these make a weak argument at best to counter the need for choice. The concern of parents being good consumers is a good example of a ridiculous red flags. I suppose it is better to have no choice than to have any choice? Given time, parents will become savvy to the market and make good consumer decisions. Vouchers and School Choice are Bad :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics School Choice and Vouchers are Bad I have spent considerable time reading the literature on the topic of school choice and tuition vouchers. I was initially in favor of the idea simply because it seems to be common sense. After just a little reading, I am now an advid supporter. After all, our entire standard of living is based on the idea of choice. The more choices we have, and the means to pursue those choices, the higher the standard of living we enjoy. In our lives, simply stated, choice means everything. When it comes to public schooling is there a choice? David Kirkpatrick, in his book, Choice In Schooling, argues that choice already exists de facto in our system and it is not regulated. It is because of this lack of regulation such inequality exists. Let us not kid ourselves, education may profess to be about equity and equal opportunity, but this has never been the case in America or any other country. Education is about power. Power is a tool guarded by those who have it. Those with the means in this society already have exercised their choice and have built their own schools based on choice and in turn new opportunities. The masses have then been left to the confines of a limited system. Make no mistake, in a capitalist society, this is by design. I remember reading the America at Risk report on Education in America, there was one line in there that summed up the educational system in this country and the lack of effort to change it. "If this current educational system was instituted in America by a foreign nation, it would be cause for a social revolution and a formal declaration of war." Yet it is accepted by those in power and justified for its existence through laws and coercion of the masses. Why then do schools stay relatively unchanged? The article, A School for Choice, by Debra Viadero, outlines some "red flags" that are meant to caution for school choice. In my opinion, taken together, these make a weak argument at best to counter the need for choice. The concern of parents being good consumers is a good example of a ridiculous red flags. I suppose it is better to have no choice than to have any choice? Given time, parents will become savvy to the market and make good consumer decisions.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Family and Gender Relations :: essays research papers

Assignment One – Short Essay ] Topic: Family and gender relations Drawing on the concepts of globalisation and globalism discussed in your textbooks and the Reader, address the following question: Does globalisation represent a radically new period in human history? Jan Scholte (2000:39) wrote about globalisation, that the only consensus is that it is contested. â€Å"People have held widely differing views regarding definition, scale, chronology, impact and policy (Scholte 2000:39). Use of the term globalisation is high and yet a common understanding of its meaning and where it fits in the history of mankind is frequently vague and based on assumption rather than evidence (Scholte 2000:1). Using one definition from many, of globalisation and globalism and the changes through history that sociologists have used to make sense of the phenomenon, this essay will demonstrate that while globalisation represents both a new and old period in human history, it can only be called radical in its recent state. The working definition of globalisation used in this essay, has been separated from Jan Scholte’s five broad definitions (2000:15). Deterritorialisation or supraterritorioality is based on the process of change to geography in which territorial boundaries become less important (Scholte 2000:16). This concept encompasses all other definitions that Scholte identified, as it has a wide focus which allows each to be occurring because of this change in geography. Robin Cohen and Paul Kennedy’s definitions of globalisation (Cohen and Kennedy 2000:11) are not in opposition with the concept of supraterritoriality, describing it ‘as the ways in which the world is being knitted together’ and ‘the objective, external ties that bind us together’. To fully understand globalisation it is necessary to differentiate it from globalism. It is described as the ‘subjective realm’, unlike globalisation which refers to a series of ‘objective changes in the world that are partly outside us’ (Cohan and Kennedy 2000:34). To simplify, this describes the collective way in which the world views itself as a result of globalisation. Globalism is seen as a result of globalisation and as such quite a new phenomenon (Cohan and Kennedy 2000:34). It is quite important to make this differentiation as many times when writers are referring to globalisation as new phenomenon they are using examples that are in fact forms of globalism, a distinctly different concept. Is globalisation a new or old? Opinions on this tend to cross over while identifying different phases. Cohen and Kennedy believe that globalisation can be traced back through history, but that its processes have accelerated in recent years (Cohan and Kennedy 2000:34).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Credit Card Hacking

Credit card also referred as plastic money. It is a card provides by bank to user in respect of his bank account or even with out bank account in that bank but against his income amount which he have through his job or business or even his cultivated land. There are two types of card, Credit card and debit card. Credit card is interest base and has certain amount of money which that particular bank pays against you and you will have to pay it back to the bank with interest. Debit card is different from credit card, you can also use it for payments but this payment goes directly from your own account. The concept of cards are basically introduced the idea of CASH WITHOUT MONEY, just for safe your cash from lost and theft. Cash is secure by credit card, but is your card secure .In the world of crime, a new crime has taken birth and it is Credit Card hacking. What you know about credit card hacking? It is simply awesome or a night mare but it can happen. Many people are unaware that when they give their credit card, it can be hacked. There are many ways by which the card can be hacked. Some are here for general purpose. The most common way of credit card’s hacking is quite easy and almost safe. When someone gives his card to any retailers for payment, the retailer copies the code and sells it to the hackers. The retailer copied the code of credit card and then with the help of MSR, transfers it to computer and makes a new but fake card. The credit card holder can’t imagine even what had happened with him. The other method of credit card’s â€Å"hacking† is â€Å"white card†. These white cards are easily available in many countries’ markets and samagals to Pakistan by many people. Unfortunately these cards cannot check in scan machines at Pakistani’s airports. (Quoted from Cyber crime wing FIA Pakistan). These white cards used for as ID cards in big companies as their workers showed it in their scanners and get in the company. But hackers are doing misuse of these cards and they convert the hacked data into this white card’ chip and coated it into fake credit card. To avoid such crimes, the banks are going more conscious to save and secure their DATA that no hacker can reach to them. Now a day’s many banks are introducing Credit card’ insurance plan. It is quite safe and pinafore of card holders. The banks take extra charges for insurance but in the case of insurance, bank is liable to pay you your extra money which is not spend by you, either in case of theft or fraud.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Who or That †That Is The Question

Who or That – That Is The Question Who or That – That Is The Question Who or That – That Is The Question By Guest Author This is a guest post by Charles Ray. If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. Some might think me an old fashioned, stuffy person when it comes to grammar. I realize that language, whether written or spoken, is a living thing, and that it changes with time; but, there are some modern conventions that I have problems with. Some things that young people say and write these days grate on my ear, and I resist them with all my might. One of the conventions that really gets my dander up is the use of ‘that’ in sentences when logic, and my ear, tells me that ‘who’ would be more appropriate. Here, for instance, is a sentence I encountered recently in a paper written by a college graduate: â€Å"The judge that decided the case came from the lower court.† Now, I assume the judge in this sentence is human, and when I struggled with English grammar many decades ago, this sentence would have earned red marks all over the page – and quite likely a failing grade. I would have been told in no uncertain terms that the correct formulation is, â€Å"The judge who. . .† I have been chided by many of my colleagues for my fussiness over this particular issue; and it is just one of many modern grammatical conventions that send me into orbit when I encounter them. They’ve pointed out that this is not ‘incorrect,’ and besides, it has become accepted usage among a large number of writers. Well, not this writer. Correct, it might be, and I’m not entirely convinced of that, but it just doesn’t sound right. It grates on my ear when I hear or read it. Just because a lot of people do something doesn’t make it the right and proper thing to do. In my dictionary, one of the definitions of ‘that’ is, â€Å"Adj. Being the one singled out or understood.† ‘Who,’ on the other hand, is defined as â€Å"What or which persons used as a relative pronoun to introduce a clause when the antecedent is a human, or is understood to be a human.† From these definitions, I will grant there is some merit to the argument that using ‘that’ instead of ‘who’ is not incorrect, per se. But, when we write, the purpose is to communicate, and when a ‘correct’ convention gets in the way of communication, it is ‘wrong.’ The language and its grammar are constantly changing, but this is no reason for us to blithely accept each change. We should in fact firmly resist any change until it is proven to be not merely correct, but right. I have not been convinced that substituting ‘that’ for ‘who’ is right, and until I am, I will continue to be the grammar cop who stands in the middle of the street with hands out saying, â€Å"Stop!† And, that is all I have to say about ‘that.’ Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Classes and Types of PhrasesBest Websites to Learn English30 Nautical Expressions

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Brief History of U.S.-Israeli-Palestinian Relations

A Brief History of U.S.-Israeli-Palestinian Relations Even though Palestine is not an official state, the U.S. and Palestine have a long history of rocky diplomatic relations. With Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas set to appeal for the creation of a Palestinian state at the United Nations on September 19, 2011- and the U.S. set to veto the measure- that foreign policy history is again in the spotlight. The story of U.S.-Palestinian relations is lengthy, and it obviously includes much of the history of Israel. This is the first of several articles on the U.S.-Palestinian-Israeli relationship. History Palestine is an Islamic region, or perhaps several regions, in and around the Jewish-state of Israel in the Middle East. Its four million people live largely in the West Bank along the Jordan River, and in the Gaza Strip near Israels border with Egypt. Israel occupies both the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It created Jewish settlements in each place, and has waged several small wars for control of those areas. The United States has traditionally backed Israel and its right to exist as a recognized state. At the same time, the U.S. has sought cooperation from Arab nations in the Middle East, both to achieve its energy needs and to secure a safe environment for Israel. Those dual American goals have put Palestinians in the midst of a diplomatic tug-of-war for nearly 65 years. Zionism Jewish and Palestinian conflict began at the turn of the 20th Century as many Jews worldwide began the Zionist movement. Because of discrimination in the Ukraine and other parts of Europe, they sought territory of their own around the Biblical holy lands of the Levant between the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. They also wanted that territory to include Jerusalem. Palestinians also consider Jerusalem a holy center. Great Britain, with a significant Jewish population of its own, backed Zionism. During World War I, it took control of much of Palestine and maintained post-war control through a League of Nations mandate finalized in 1922. Arab Palestinians revolted against British rule on several occasions in the 1920s and 1930s. Only after Nazis staged mass executions of Jews during the Holocaust of World War II did the international community begin backing the Jewish quest for a recognized state in the Middle East. Partitioning and Diaspora The United Nations authored a plan to partition the region into Jewish and Palestinian areas, with the intention that each become states. In 1947 Palestinians and Arabs from Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria began hostilities against Jews. That same year saw the beginning of a Palestinian diaspora. Some 700,000 Palestinians were displaced as Israeli boundaries became clear. On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. The United States and most members of the United Nations recognized the new Jewish state. Palestinians call the date al-Naqba, or the catastrophe. Full-blown war erupted. Israel beat the coalition of Palestinians and Arabs, taking territory that the United Nations had designated for Palestine. Israel, however, was always felt insecure as it did not occupy the West Bank, the Golan Heights, or the Gaza Strip. Those territories would serve as buffers against Jordan, Syria, and Egypt respectively. It fought- and won- wars in 1967 and 1973 to occupy those territories. In 1967 it also occupied the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. Many Palestinians who had fled in the diaspora, or their descendants, found themselves again living under Israeli control. Although considered illegal under international law, Israel has also built Jewish settlements throughout the West Bank. U.S. Backing The United States backed Israel throughout those wars. The U.S. has also continuously sent military equipment and foreign aid to Israel. American support of Israel, however, has made its relations with neighboring Arab countries and Palestinians problematic. Palestinian displacement and the lack of an official Palestinian state became a central tenet of much anti-American Islamic and Arabic sentiment. The United States has had to craft foreign policy that both helps keep Israel secure and allows American access to Arab oil and shipping ports.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ive Watched Agents Laugh

Ive Watched Agents Laugh Having been to my fair share of conferences, Ive picked up a habit that started during a frustrating conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I noted that the sea of agents in attendance tended to cluster. They whispered to each other, stealing glances at other attendees. As a shy writer, I truly understood partnering with a like soul at a strange event, and assumed that was their motive. But at the banquet, the agents filled a couple of tables en masse, not sitting with any of the writers who paid to brush elbows with these professionals. They texted, emailed, chuckled, and passed notes to each other as the keynote was delivered. I recall writing down all their names, vowing never to submit to them (Ha! Showed them, huh!?), but better yet, never placing them in my newsletter. To this day I study agents at events, watching to see if they are taking the conference seriously, or if they seem to be just putting in their hours until they can fly back to New York. But a BIG however goes right here. Not all agents are like that. Ive met some quite pleasant ones. And diligent ones. And ones that believe to the tips of their toes that their authors are grand. Just like not all self-published books come up lacking, not all agents are arrogant. We cannot afford to lump self-publishing, traditional publishing, agents and publishers into walled boxes of stereotypes. Each and every category has its shining stars . . . and its flawed participants. Thats why you do your homework to learn the facts, not the rumor and opinion, of each tentacle in this octopus we call publishing. Ive already been chastised this month But you have to know what you are doing. You cant self-publish and expect other people to do it for you. You have to be resilient and innovative, doing the things that a traditional publisher usually does . . . what an agent usually does. Accept the responsibility and do it right. Use the proper rules and tools to make your work professional, not homespun. Not jerry-rigged. Not amateur. What if I told you never to paint your bedroom, grow your garden or fix your car? What if I told you the only way to deal with these do-it-yourself tasks was to hire a professional? Youd balk, because some of us are very equipped to handle DIY ventures. I just painted my bedroom and my garden is glorious. But Ill hire a mechanic. Its all in knowing our strengths and weaknesses capitalizing on our skills yet recognizing when to fall back on the skills of others.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Communication and motivation skills related to coaching Essay

Communication and motivation skills related to coaching - Essay Example In the ordinary and natural sense or aspect, visionary and pragmatic leaders play a vital role in the aspect and sphere of coaching. This is to since they ought to be alive to the fact that the direct outcome of the coaching process would be dependent on the ability of the leaders or the coach to relate properly with the other participants of the team. Thus in order to effectively develop and construct an effective coaching and motivation pattern, the coach ought to adhere to the coaching philosophy in the absolute context so as to best place him or her for the task at hand. To begin with, it would be incumbent and prudent on the part of the coach to delineate three basic philosophical perspectives and internalize them accordingly. They include, the coach ought to know his or her strengths, weaknesses and areas or regions which would require that the coach improves or changes. Secondly, is the circumstance or aspect which requires the coach to understand and contextualize the challenges that the coach may face in the course of discharging his or her mandate (Palmer & Whybrow, 2014). Lastly, it is critical to the coach to understand his or her subjects, athletes or players in terms of their goals, natural abilities, personalities, strengths or weaknesses. Intuitively, it demands that a person knows his or her weaknesses and then focusing on the positives or the strengths so as to allow the coach to perform effectively. In the rhetoric sense and sphere, it would be imprudent for a coach for instance to know whether he or she is a good orator? Motivator? Charismatic? Or possesses any positive skill which may influence the players and the general outcome of the team in the positive way. Similarly, by understanding the challenges or likely barriers which may face a coach during the discharge of responsibility equips

Friday, October 18, 2019

Explain the various theories of motivation Essay

Explain the various theories of motivation - Essay Example It is founded on the concept of human needs and their satisfaction. The needs include deficiency needs and growth needs for example esteem needs, self-actualization needs, security, affection and emotional needs. It was developed by Clayton Alderfer’s (Adair, 2009). It has some similarities with Maslow’s as well as some differences. For instance, in the Alderfer’s ERG Theory, the existence needs is the same as Maslow’s emotional and security needs, While Maslow’s love and self-appreciation needs are categorized into the relatedness needs. However, the Growth needs are the same as the self-actualization and self-confidence needs of Maslow’s theory. The difference between Maslow’s and ERG theory is that ERG puts emphasizes that several needs motivates a person at the same time. The other difference is that ERG includes both Satisfaction progression aspect, and frustration regression component. This theory was developed purposely to inspire the decision of superiors on employee incentive. The associates of this theory analyzed and interviewed workers to recall the times they were satisfied in the job and the time they were not satisfied and the reasons behind them. The reasons that the workers gave made the associate to conclude that the reasons for dissatisfaction is due to motivational

Business Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Business Law - Assignment Example As in our case, McDougal did not say even a single word and just waved his hand at Krunch, which showed his intention to pay later. Trust and expectation play a vital role in implied contracts. Implied contracts are made on the basis of reason, understanding, and tradition. Silence can be treated as an act of acceptance but in very rare cases. In case of trustworthy relationships, acceptance does not need to be communicated to the other person in order to be effective. For example in case of implied contracts, silence is used as a gesture for acceptance that is based on the factors of trust and confidence in the other party. However, in all other forms of contracts, there must be an agreement between the parties regarding consideration of silence as acceptance because without any such agreement, silence can never be considered as acceptance if the other party do not intend to accept any specific

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism - Essay Example She writes: â€Å"The two postwar periods of intense affirmation of ethnic categories in personal, social, cultural and political life were both unexpected. Indeed, in some quarters, re-attachment to the culture and community of birth was seen as a mistake of history. This is because of four distinct but, in this respect, converging processes which marked the world order immediately after the end of World War II: first, the process of de-colonisation and development in Asia and Africa; second, the process of integration in Europe; third, the process of expansion and entrenchment of Soviet communism; and fourth, the creation, in 1945, of the United Nations out of the ashes of the League of Nations. These great transformations were expected to create social conditions in which ethnicity and its related phenomenon, nationalism, would be superseded by more 'modern', universalistic, rational, civic or class-based forms of human identification, striving and association and by internationa l or transnational forms of human governance.† (Epstein, 2009) Following this, the important factors to note in post-war concepts of ethnicity are that nationalism and ethnicity had joined with fascism in the regimes of Germany, Italy, and Japan and this is largely credited with the aggression that fueled WWII. There is a perceived inherent danger of fanaticism in the fusion of identity politics and nationalism with ethnicity that led many to conclude that such belief was a â€Å"mistake of history†. (Epstein, 2009) However, in each instance where Leoussie cites popular expectation academically and popularly for a rejection of ethnicity in favor of international institutions or class-based structures of identity, historical evolution has proved that it did not in fact occur as expected. From this, Leoussie suggests that there are a number of â€Å"backlashes,† that occur in post-war academia that transform the way theories of ethnicity are posited in sociology pa rticularly, but also in related fields of anthropology, history, linguistics, psychology, etc. The four converging processes cited by Leoussie in the post-war era contain innumerable examples where theories of ethnicity and nationalism were proved false by subsequent historical development. In the first instance of de-colonisation in Asia and Africa, it is inevitable that liberation process and creation of new national identity would give birth to a stronger patriotic spirit in the indigenous population. However, many of the colonial areas were Western border constructions and the ethnic mix of the indigenous population contained innumerable different tribal groups, for example as in India, leading to further fragmentation of national identity on ethnic and religious lines, as in the partition of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Socialist and Communist elements of national liberation struggles clearly expected the new identity to be based on class-consciousness and not ethnicity, and th is is replicated in the Soviet example in which innumerable ethnic minorities were repressed. Leoussie cites European integration post-war as a process despite the fact that the continent was divided during the Cold War because the division was on the ideological grounds of communism vs. capitalism rather than based on traditional

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS - Essay Example The tools of communication include most importantly the direct marketing and public relations. These tools help the businesses in promoting and advertising themselves in a sophisticated manner depending upon their nature of products and services. Both of them are effective in enabling the businesses communicate with its customers. The concept of public relations pertains to the activity of carrying the flow of information between the public and the organization. This tactic gives the organization an opening to the audiences by utilizing the news items that do not need direct payments. The strategies of direct marketing primarily promote the products and increase their awareness amongst customers. While, the public relations activities involve making the image of the company and brand in the entire public. Direct marketing only promotes and advertises the individual products to the buyers. While, public relations is more important in the senses that it promotes the organization and product lines by building its image at the social level. The direct marketing tactics give an idea of the price at which the product can be sold by the marketers. While, the public relations person aims upon gauging the reactions and perceptions of public for the purpose of marketing the product. The tools of communication mix include advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing. The retailers can use all this tools in an effective manner to promote their products and services. Advertising can be used by the retailers to create awareness about the store or the product for the purpose of creating a good image in the minds of customers. It convinces them by creating a desire in them to purchase the product and assists the store’s repositioning in their minds. The retailers can also utilize personal selling as one of the effective ways to deliver their products and services. A personal representative

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism - Essay Example She writes: â€Å"The two postwar periods of intense affirmation of ethnic categories in personal, social, cultural and political life were both unexpected. Indeed, in some quarters, re-attachment to the culture and community of birth was seen as a mistake of history. This is because of four distinct but, in this respect, converging processes which marked the world order immediately after the end of World War II: first, the process of de-colonisation and development in Asia and Africa; second, the process of integration in Europe; third, the process of expansion and entrenchment of Soviet communism; and fourth, the creation, in 1945, of the United Nations out of the ashes of the League of Nations. These great transformations were expected to create social conditions in which ethnicity and its related phenomenon, nationalism, would be superseded by more 'modern', universalistic, rational, civic or class-based forms of human identification, striving and association and by internationa l or transnational forms of human governance.† (Epstein, 2009) Following this, the important factors to note in post-war concepts of ethnicity are that nationalism and ethnicity had joined with fascism in the regimes of Germany, Italy, and Japan and this is largely credited with the aggression that fueled WWII. There is a perceived inherent danger of fanaticism in the fusion of identity politics and nationalism with ethnicity that led many to conclude that such belief was a â€Å"mistake of history†. (Epstein, 2009) However, in each instance where Leoussie cites popular expectation academically and popularly for a rejection of ethnicity in favor of international institutions or class-based structures of identity, historical evolution has proved that it did not in fact occur as expected. From this, Leoussie suggests that there are a number of â€Å"backlashes,† that occur in post-war academia that transform the way theories of ethnicity are posited in sociology pa rticularly, but also in related fields of anthropology, history, linguistics, psychology, etc. The four converging processes cited by Leoussie in the post-war era contain innumerable examples where theories of ethnicity and nationalism were proved false by subsequent historical development. In the first instance of de-colonisation in Asia and Africa, it is inevitable that liberation process and creation of new national identity would give birth to a stronger patriotic spirit in the indigenous population. However, many of the colonial areas were Western border constructions and the ethnic mix of the indigenous population contained innumerable different tribal groups, for example as in India, leading to further fragmentation of national identity on ethnic and religious lines, as in the partition of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Socialist and Communist elements of national liberation struggles clearly expected the new identity to be based on class-consciousness and not ethnicity, and th is is replicated in the Soviet example in which innumerable ethnic minorities were repressed. Leoussie cites European integration post-war as a process despite the fact that the continent was divided during the Cold War because the division was on the ideological grounds of communism vs. capitalism rather than based on traditional

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Solar Energy For Desalination Technologies in Saudi Arabia Essay

Solar Energy For Desalination Technologies in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example Saudi Arabia is a country of paradoxes, not only in its history and culture but even in its natural resources. In its substrata lies the 18 per cent of all the world’s proven oil reserves, the largest anywhere in the world (Revenue Watch Institute, 2011), and because of this the country is assured of a steady stream of petrodollars that has the potential to make it one of the world’s wealthiest economies. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia is situated in one of the world’s most arid regions, with little surface water, very little rainfall, and increasing desertification which is gradual loss of once arable and fertile land to encroaching aridity (TeachMideast, 2011). Thus while it is abundant in the world’s most expensive natural resource, Saudi Arabia is however sorely lacking in that commodity essential to life and plentiful in nearly every other region of the planet – fresh water. Through the years the process of desalination has enabled countries in arid regions to obtain potable water from brackish or seawater. In Saudi Arabia this is being done today on a large scale through oil powered desalination plants. While the use of fossil fuels poses no present concerns for this oil-rich country, government officials, scientists and policy makers are all aware that the supply of oil is not inexhaustible, and eventually shall be depleted. At such time, the country should have been able to build the capability to desalinate water using sustainable sources of energy such as solar radiation, which this desert region has a limitless supply of. Presently, the country is unable to accomplish solar powered desalination on a large scale, and many are pessimistic that this could be done. Statement of the Research Objective: This dissertation aims to explore the viability of harnessing solar energy for the purpose of large-scale desalination of water in Saudi Arabia. Research questions: In order to satisfactorily achieve the research objective, the dissertation shall seek the answers to the following research questions: 1. What is the currently prevailing situation of large-quantity water desalination in Saudi Arabia? 2. What is the rate of water consumption of Saudi Arabia’s population, and what are the chances of a projected shortfall of potable water in the event of the closure of its oil powered desalination plants? 3. How is large-scale solar powered desalination technology described, and what is its feasibility in Saudi Arabia? Q1: Currently prevailing desalination situation An Overview of Desalination Process in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest producer of the desalinated water, accounting for at least 30 per cent of the total world output. The Kingdom has invested nearly $25 billion in the last 80 years developing the technology for desalination, and in building and operating the desalination plants. Presently, ther e are some 30 desalination plants in the country, 27 of which supply drinking water to the principal urban centers and industrial locations via a

Marketing Management of Ocean Park Essay Example for Free

Marketing Management of Ocean Park Essay Brief Description of Ocean Park Hong Kong Ocean Park Hong Kong is one of the most popular theme parks in the world. It was officially opened on January 10th 1977 by the governor of Hong Kong and was funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club on July 1st 1987, with a Government-appointed Board. It constitutes of marine mammal, oceanarium, animal and amusement as a theme park, located in Wong Chuk Hang and Nam Long Shan in the Southern District of Hong Kong. Reason for Choosing Ocean Park Hong Kong Ocean Park Hong Kong ruled the local amusement park landscape alone. In 2005, Hong Kong Disneyland had arrived and busted out the Park from its near 30-year comfort zone. However, Ocean Park has secured the prestigious 2012 Applause Award, which was the first in Asia to be rewarded. The reason for choosing Ocean Park Hong Kong is thus to study how effectively the marketing strategies are used in the Park against its main competitor, Hong Kong Disneyland. SWOT Analysis A Strength of Ocean Park Hong Kong is the numerous attractions with different levels of amusements ranging from roller coasters to aquariums. Another one is the five major annual events throughout the year: a varying Animal in High Definition Month, the Ocean Park Summer Splash, the Halloween Bash, Christmas and Chinese New Year celebrations. Yet, the most obvious weakness is the several incidents happened in the past five years. Panda attacking a feeder, dying of Chinese sturgeons and sudden pause of attractions – all these had surprised the public’s confidence to the park. In terms of opportunity, there is a proposed MTR station on the east of South Island Line for Ocean. Park Hong Kong. The station would help attract more customers for the Park because it will be easier and more convenient to visit. The major threat is from the future development plan of Hong Kong Disneyland, which is expected to build more themed areas, rides and hotels in the coming decade to match the increasing needs. There will be keen competition between Ocean Park Hong Kong and Disneyland after such an expansion. Marketing Objectives Since Ocean Park Hong Kong aims to become a leader among the theme park industry, its marketing objective is to strive for a place in the top ten of the total number of visitors of the Global Attractions Attendance report by AECOM within two years. Moreover, the Park hopes to increase its profit by at least 20% within two years due to the huge amount of visitors every year. Last, due to the accidents happened in recent years, customers’ satisfaction towards Ocean Park Hong Kong has been damaged. To increase customer retention and satisfaction, the Park should make an effort to ensure there will be no accident in the coming two years Reference list 1 / 2 Rubin, J. (2013). Global attendence attractions report. Retrieved from http://www. aecom. com/deploy edfiles/Internet/Capabilities/Economics/_documents/ThemeMuseumIndex_2013. pdf (2014). Vision and Mission. Retrieved from http://www. oceanpark. com. hk/html/en/footer/corporate-information/vision. html (2014). Annual Report. Retrieved from http://www. oceanpark. com. hk/doc/common/footer/ar/ophk_ar12-13. pdf Ocean Park, Hong Kong. (n.d. ). In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 7, 2014 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ocean_Park_Hong_Kong Pelle, J. (2012). Liseberg The Applause Award. Retrieved October 5, 2014 from http://liseberg. com/en/home/Entertainment/Awards1/ Nip, A. (2014). Annual tourists to Hong Kong could rise to 70 million in three years, commission says,SCMP,17 January from http://www. scmp. com/news/hong-kong/article/1407779/visitor- numbers-can-rise-70m-three-years-commission-says? page=all POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Symbolism in Shakespeares Works

Symbolism in Shakespeares Works Friar Lawrence remarks that every plant, herb, and stone has its own special properties, and that nothing exists in nature that cannot be put to both good and bad uses(Shmoop Editorial Team, 2008). Later on, Friar Lawrences words prove to be correct. The sleeping potion he gives Juliet is made not to make her die but only appear to be dead, but through circumstances beyond the Friars control, the potion does result in Romeos suicide. From this example, we can see that human beings tend to cause death even if they dont intend on doing so. Similarly, Romeo blames society for the apothecarys criminal selling of poison. Poison symbolizes human societys proclivity to poison good things and make them deadly, just as the pointless Capulet-Montague feud turns Romeo and Juliets love to poison. After all, this play doesnt have an evil villain, it has people whose good qualities are turned to poison by the world they live in. Thumb-biting: By flicking his thumbnail from behind his upper teeth, Samson begins a fight between the Montagues and Capulets. This is an insulting gesture known as thumb-biting. He only did that because he wants to get into a fight with the Montagues but doesnt want to be accused of triggering the fight by making an insult. Because of his fearfulness, he settles for being annoying rather than being challenging. The thumb-biting here shows how stupid and foolish the whole Capulet/Montague feud is, even as an essentially meaningless gesture, and the foolishness of violence in general. Love: It is symbolized as religious worship. Romeo calls Juliet a saint and implies that hed really like to worship her body. Not only that, but Romeos hand would be blessed if it touched the divine Juliets. Eventually, Juliet picks up on this religion of love conceit (a conceit is just an elaborate metaphor) and declares that Romeo is the god of [her] idolatry(Shmoop Editorial Team, 2008). Sex: The main example of the sex/death connection in the play is when Capulet sees Juliets dead body and says death has lain with (slept with) Juliet: See, there she lies, / Flower as she was, deflowered by him. Death is my son-in-law, death is my heir. Shakespeare scholar Marjorie Garber offers one of the most interesting insights when she notes that even the way that Romeo and Juliet each literally die carries symbolic sexual meaning. Romeo drinks his poison from a goblet, a traditional symbol of female sexuality (womans womb). Juliet, in contrast, stabs herself with Romeos dagger a traditional symbol of male sexuality. Symbolically, Romeo and Juliet combine physical death and sexual climax (Shmoop Editorial Team, 2008). Naturally, sex acts between men and women are supposed to result in the creation of life. Yet, in this play, the opposite happens. Hamlet: Skull : The skull represents death and the afterlife. At the graveyard, Hamlet picks up the skull of Yorick and starts to talk to it; he questions death, and what happens after. He eventually realizes that no matter what kind of life a person may lead, they will all die and end up in the same place after death, as mere dust. He then questions the importance of being important while alive, and the importance of being alive in general(Important symbols, 2012) He talks about how a person like Yorick could end up in the same state as Alexander the Great, when he says, as thus: Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust, the dust is earth, of earth we make loam , and why of that loam, whereto he was converted, might they not stop a beer-barrel Ophelias Flowers: Ophelia has gone mad. She enters the scene with different types of flowers. She gives these flowers to different people, where each type represents something. First, she gives the rosemary to Laertes, which is a symbol of remembrance. She also gives him pansies, as they represent a symbol of thoughts particularly thoughts of love. Although she gives both to Laertes, Ophelia most likely has Hamlet in her mind when she says, Theres rosemary, thats for remembrance; pray you, love, remember; and there is pansies, thats for thoughts. She then gives fennel and columbines to King Claudius. Fennel represents flattery, and columbines represent having no faith in marriage. They were both given to Claudius because of his marriage and betrayal. Then, Ophelia gives daisies to both King Claudius and Queen Gertrude, which represent deceit and lies, because they both lied to the public and betrayed King Hamlet. Finally, violets are a symbol of faith and many people believe Ophelia gives these to Horatio because at this point, he is the only one that she still has faith in. Also, although Ophelia does not realize it, Horatio is the only person Hamlet still trusts and has faith in as well ( Importance of, 2012) Poison : Poison plays a big role in Hamlet. It is a symbol of betrayal, corruption, deceit, revenge and death. Hamlet follows the apparition of his father, King Hamlet, and learns the entire story of how he was killed by Claudius. King Hamlet says,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole/ With juice of cursed hebenon in a vial, /And in the porches of my ears did pourà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ . When Claudius kills King Hamlet by pouring poison into his ears, it demonstrates how the need for power can lead to corruption. In this case, the need for power is what made Claudius poison his own brother. Later, when they were planning on killing Hamlet, Laertes and Claudius decide to use poison. When the poison actually comes into play, it ends up killing Queen Gertrude (thus betrayal), and eventually leads to the death of Laertes, King Claudius and Hamlet. In other words this shows how the excessive love of power can lead to negative consequences, this reminds us of the main theme in macbeth Macbeth: Light and darkness: When something bad is going to happen, darkness is brought up. Lady Macbeth, for example, asks thick night to come with the smoke of hell, so her knife might not see the wound it makes in the peacefully sleeping King. The literal darkness Lady Macbeth talks about seems to relate to the evil or dark act she plans to commit. When Lady Macbeth calls for the murderous spirits to prevent heaven from peep[ing] through the blanket of the dark to cry Hold, Hold!' she implies that light (here associated with God, heaven, and goodness) offers protection from evil and is the only thing that could stop her from murdering Duncan. So, it makes sense that when Lady Macbeth descends to madness, she insists on always having a candle or, light with her as if the light might protect her against the evil forces she herself summoned in Act I, scene v. However, the candlelight doesnt seem to have done her any good, for she is too far gone and commits suicide. Interestingly enough, Macbeth responds to the news of Lady Macbeths suicide by proclaiming out, out brief candle. Now, the candles flame has become a like a symbol for her short life and sudden death. Similarly, Banquos torchlight (the one that illuminates him just enough so his murderers can see what theyre doing) is also extinguished the moment hes killed. Also, on the evening when King Duncan is murdered, Lennox reports that the fire in his chimney was mysteriously blown out. Eight kings: When Macbeth visits the witches and demands to know whether or not Banquos heirs will become kings, they summon a vision of eight kings, the last of which holds a mirror that reflects on many more such kings. Macbeth is really unhappy about the fact that these are Banquos heirs. Its important to note that one of the kings in the mirror happens to be holding two orbs and is a symbolic representation of King James I of England (a.k.a. King James VI of Scotland), who traced his derivation back to Banquo. At Jamess coronation ceremony in England (1603), he held two orbs (one representing England and the other representing Scotland). We cant dismiss the fact that King James was a major patron of Shakespeare, and that the Bard here shows his debt of gratitude to the King by exploring his Scottish roots and confirming the derivation of an English king. Bloody daggers and hands: Blood is mentioned a lot in this play. Blood as a result of actual wounds is almost ubiquitous, from the bleeding Captain in the beginning to Macbeths bleeding head at the end. However, its the imagined blood that arguably has the biggest effect as a symbol. When Macbeth considers murdering King Duncan, he sees a floating dagger of the mind that points him in the direction of the sleeping kings room. While Macbeth wonders if his mind is messing with him, the dagger becomes covered in imaginary blood, which anticipates the way that very real daggers will be tainted when Macbeth murders King Duncan. Its still not clear where the images come from. It could be the witches or Macbeths imagination or maybe its Macbeth being tempted to follow or warned not to pursue the hallucination. Eventually, imagined blood starts to symbolize guilt for both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. After he murders Duncan, Macbeth supposes that even Great Neptunes ocean could not wash away his stain of guilt. This is obviously in response to Lady Macbeths command that Macbeth go get some water / and wash this filthy witness from his hands. The idea that water alone couldnt cleanse the pair after such vulgar intentions seems laughable, especially when Lady Macbeth famously curses the imaginary spot of blood she cant seem to wash from her guilty hands. After Macbeth kills his friend Banquo, who returns as a ghost, Macbeth announces that blood will beget blood, and his image of wading in a river of blood sums up the lesson: once youve gone far enough in spilling it, you might just as well keep on going. LADy Macbe th is trying to wash the blood off her hands and even when its washed off the guilt isnt Dead children: You may have noticed this play is filled with dead babies and slain children. The witches throw into their cauldron a finger of birth-strangled babe and then summon an apparition of a bloody child that says Macbeth will not be harmed by any man of woman born. Also, Fleance witnesses his fathers murder before nearly being killed himself, Macbeth kills Young Siward, and also Macduffs young son, his pretty chicken, is called an egg before hes murdered. If we think about it, the play seems fixated on what happens when family lines are extinguished, which is probably what Macbeth has in mind when he orders that his enemies children be killed. His willingness to murder children is a clear sign that hes passed the point of no return. We can trace all of this back to Macbeths anger that Banquos children shall be kings and Macbeths children will not. Recall the way he deplores that, when the witches predicted he would be king, they placed a fruitless crown on his head and a barren scepter in his hands. When Macbeth kills Duncan and takes the crown, Malcolm is denied the due of birth. At the end of the play, order is rebuilt with the promise of Malcolm being crowned as the rightful king. Also, we know that Banquos line will rule for generations to come. So, its rather fitting that, in the end, Macbeth is killed by a man who was untimely ripped from his mothers womb. (Macduff, who turns out to be the guy who is not of woman born. He was delivered through cesarean section, which doesnt count as being born in this play.) In conclusion, we can say that Shakespeare included a lot of symbolism throughout his plays which portrayed Shakespeares life, time period, and messages he wished to get across to his audience. Most of these symbols are timeless, because they represent human nature that is the same in all eras of time. Work cited The Modern Language Review , Vol. 42, No. 1 (Jan., 1947), pp. 9-23 Published by: Modern Humanities Research Association Article Stable URL: St. Rosemary Educational Institution. Important Symbols in Hamlet. St. Rosemary Educational Institution, Last Update: 2012. Web. Retrieved on: Sunday 16th December 2012. Shmoop Editorial Team. Love as Religious Worship in Romeo and Juliet Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 16 Dec. 2012. Shmoop Editorial Team. (November 11, 2008).Plants and Poison in Romeo and Juliet. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Shmoop Editorial Team. (November 11, 2008).Sex and Death in Romeo and Juliet. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from Shmoop Editorial Team. (November 11, 2008).Thumb Biting in Romeo and Juliet. Retrieved December 17, 2012, from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Social Costs To Those Entering Gender-Specific Sports :: Sociology Essays Research Papers

Social Costs To Those Entering Gender-Specific Sports not Their Own I was part of the wrestling team when I was in middle school and in high school. While in middle school, the wrestling coaches were supportive of me and the other four girls on the team. We were trained as if we were men and competed with other team members. One girl was even cut from the team for not keeping up with the training that was expected of all team members. The other coaches in the school were not as supportive. P.E. teachers that were once friendly to the five of us became aloof and discriminatory. Students – other athletes, some on the wrestling team – taunted us. We five women on the wrestling team found we were no longer accepted by teachers and friends. We were never told that this change in attitude towards us was directly caused by our participation in a man's sport, but wrestling seems to be the only reason five women of different race, religion, and social grouping would have undergone such an experience. My teammates and I were outcast by many of our peers and punished in our classes by some of our teachers for participating in a non-traditional sport for women. When I received a wrestling injury that ended my wrestling season, I was still outcast because I carried the stigma of being a wrestler. In high school, I did not try out for the wrestling team until my sophomore year because I was afraid of the social implications that joining the wrestling team had. When I did try out with a friend in our second year of high school, we were accepted onto the team automatically so that our school could compete on the female level. We were not supported by the coaches or any of our teammates and were forced to sit out during trials. Off of the wrestling mat, we did not face any social repercussions for wrestling. Then again, we were not wrestling. We were not trained, we were not expected to weigh in, we were not a part of the team. In both middle school and high school, the social benefit would have been acceptance of female wrestlers and propagation of competitive female wrestling. My friends and I failed in both situations and suffered socially in one way or another for our efforts as a group.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Generation Y Essay -- Youth Papers

Generation Y "Your generation is nothing but a bunch of computer addicted slackers. You kids don't care about anything." These phrases and others can be overheard coming from the mouths of baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, and other Generation Y predecessors. What happened? For years now, Generation Y, those born between 1977 and now, have been viewed negatively (Alch 1). Though the origins of the "slacker" title are uncertain, the term has certainly stuck. It could be considered a fitting title. After all, Generation Y performs poorly in school, has no motivation to work, and doesn't get involved with the issues, right? Well no, not exactly. Generation Y is largely misunderstood. They're actually extremely concerned with what goes on around them and are working harder than ever. These people are well on their way to reshaping society as we know it. Generation Y is a confident generation, with high self-esteem. They are opinionated and value their privacy (Article 15 1). They have a strong work ethic and have grown up understanding the electronic economy. Unlike their predecessors, Generation Y has demonstrated a sense of responsibility by having part time jobs while in high school and college. Often, they even help pay for their schooling (Alch 1). Clearly, it is worth taking a second glance before prematurely judging this generation. Sure, young Americans are addicted to the computer, but why wouldn't they be? Generation Y, also known as the echo-boom generation, has grown up digital. Forget them buying notebooks for school, they're buying laptops and zip disks instead. Times have changed and so have their focuses. Contrary to popular belief, this new generation sets their sights high t... ...ey're riding high on the technology wave, too, and are a hardworking, focused people. At this point they definitely have the upper hand by understanding the technology the rest of the world can't grasp. Upon closer evaluation, Generation Y may even have a certain charisma that the baby boomers lack. Bibliography: Works Cited Alch, Mark. "Get ready for the net generation." Society for the Advancement of Education 2000. 7 November 2000. Article 15. 7 November 2000. "New survey shows that most young adults have strong opinions on top campaign issues, but many still not planning to vote." 25 September 2000. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation 11 November 2000. Raising Student Achievement. White House. 11 November 2000. What happened the year you were born? SLACK Incorporated. 11 November 2000.

Broadening Your Perspective Essay

The idea for this example is to further explain Activity Based Costing and how it can help the Ideal Manufacturing Company keep its costs at the correct level. Activity based costing is defined as â€Å"An activity based costing (ABC) system recognizes the relationship between costs, activities and products, and through this relationship assigns indirect costs to products less arbitrarily than traditional methods..† (Investopedia, 2014) A.) 17-2 broadening your perspective asks that we compute the activity-based overhead rate for each activity cost. To calculate the activity-based overhead rate for each activity cost we use the formula: The following chart are the results of that formula for each activity cost related to is driver. For market analysis we take the market analysis amount/hours of analysis. This is 1,050,000/15,000=$70.00. For the Product design we take the product design of 2,350,000 divided by the number of designs 2,500. This is calculation is 2,350,000/2,500=940. For the Product Development we calculate the Product Development/Number of Products. 3,600,000/90=40. Lastly the Prototype testing/Number of Tests or 1,400,000/500= 2,800. B) The next section that we are looking at is â€Å"How much cost would be charged to an in-house manufacturing department that consumed 1,800 hours of market analysis time, was provided 280 designs relating to 10 products, and request 92 engineering tests. The following chart is based on these calculations. The market analysis is calculated by taking the calculated rate of 70*1,800  hours. This calculation comes to a $126,000 cost. The product design is calculated by multiplying the previous calculations of 940*280. This calculation comes to $263,200 in costs. The Product Development is calculated by 10 products* recalculated 40,000. This calculation is equal to $400,000in costs. We then take the Prototype testing pre-calculated 2800*92 engineering tests. This calculation is equal to $257,600 in costs. The total costs after the sum is $1,046,800. C.) These calculations are taken based on the question asked of â€Å"How much cost would serve as the basis for pricing an R&D bid with an outside company on a contract that would consume 800 hours of analysis time, require 178 designs relating to 3 products, and result in 70 engineering tests?† The following chart is the above calculations: For this set of calculations we take the 800 hours of analysis time and multiply it by 70 which calculates to the $56,000 in costs. Product design is calculated by taking 178 designs multiplied by 940= $167,320 in costs. Product development is calculated by 3*40,000= 120,000 on costs and prototype testing is equal to 70*2800=196,000 in costs for a total of $539,320. D.) The benefit to Ideal Manufacturing of applying activity for both in house and outside charging purposes is that the use of activity based costing will show a more accurate selling proce of the product and the loss that is taken. Without activity based costing being used Ideal Manufacturing could be charged a higher selling price. This would not be ideal for Ideal Manufacturing as their competitors could get smaller selling prices. In all activity based costing helps the company to make sure that they are using the correct cost for each of their products and provides the company with a more accurate selling price. Reference Investopedia. (2014). Activity Based Costing. Retrieved from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Great Gatsby Research Paper

During the Roaring twenties, social class was an important aspect of society. All different classes were for the most part separated by where people lived. In other words, by no means would anyone from a lower class be caught in an uptown setting. There are a variety of characters in the novel that come from different economic backgrounds. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald successfully uses location to differentiate social status amongst his characters while the weather and seasons of those locations help guide them.Each character helps represent and support the differences of social class and the four main locations, The East Egg, the West Egg, the Valley of Ashes, and New York City. In The Great Gatsby geographical locations separate social classes. East Egg represents old wealth. The characters from East Egg are wealthy but empty inside. Their lives are shallow and unfulfilled. Jordan Baker is beautiful on the outside but is only interested in cheating her way th rough life to get what she wants. The Buchanans look perfect on the outside but are dysfunctional on the inside.The characters in East Egg are arrogant. â€Å"Tom Buchanan is wealth brutalized by selfishness and arrogance† (Cowley 71). â€Å"Tom’s restlessness is an arrogant assertiveness seeking to evade in bluster the deep uneasiness of self knowledge† (Dyson 62). Daisy Buchanan is really only interested in herself and will use any means that will ultimately benefit her. West Egg represents new wealth. The characters that live in West Egg have made their money more recently. Nick Carraway is educated at Yale and starts a job in the bond business when he moves to West Egg.Nick is honest and listens to others’ problems. In the novel, Nick Carraway is always trying to help his girlfriend Jordan Baker. Her problems revolve around her cheating and being self centered. The characters can also find new wealth through desperate and dishonest means. Jay Gatsby g ains most of his wealth through inheritance. Gatsby thinks that wealth will buy him the love of Daisy and the life which he dreams of. In addition Gatsby has also made his fortune through criminal activity, as he is willing to do anything to gain the social position he thinks necessary to win Daisy.The Valley of Ashes represents the socially unaccepted. The characters in the Valley of Ashes represent poverty. â€Å"This is the Valley of Dry Bones, the Waste Land, The dusty replica of modern society, where ash-grey men are crumbling, like Eliot’s hollow men† (Bicknell 98). Myrtle and George Wilson both live in a run down garage in the Valley of Ashes. Myrtle Wilson tries desperately to improve her life and get out of the Valley of Ashes. The Valley of Ashes also represents doom and death. Myrtle is found as the victim of a hit and run caused by Daisy and Gatsby.The Valley of Ashes represents the death and dreams for Jay Gatsby, Myrtle Wilson, and George Wilson. These ch aracters die in the novel due to misconception and anger. The characters go through the Valley of Ashes to get to New York City. New York City represents glitz and immorality. While in New York City Tom Buchanan has an affair with Myrtle Wilson. Myrtle Wilson doesn’t care about anyone except those who will direct her on the correct path to improve her life. This is one of the reasons why she has an affair with Tom.Tom Buchanan has no moral doubts about his own extramarital affair with Myrtle but when it comes to other people such as Daisy and Gatsby he becomes outraged and forces a confrontation. During a party in New York City, Myrtle Wilson drinks too much and begins to taunt Tom about Daisy. Tom responds to this by hitting Myrtle and breaking her nose. New York City represents a passion for money and inhibited pleasure. West Egg represents dreams while East Egg represents the devastation of reality. Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway both come from the mid-west.The mid-west repr esents everything that is associated with warmth and home. After leaving the mid-west both Gatsby and Nick move to West Egg which is similar to the mid-west. In contrast, the east represents everything that is shallow and uncaring. Jordan Baker is a prime example of someone who lives a shallow life in East Egg. F. Scott Fitzgerald incorporates color, weather, and seasons into The Great Gatsby. The green light that Gatsby sees every night from Daisy’s dock represents his future with her. Involuntarily I glanced seaward-and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock† (Fitzgerald 21). Every night Gatsby reaches out for the green light in hopes that his longed for dream will finally come true. The green light is in East Egg and even though it is barely visible from his West Egg home he looks for it every night and hopes it will some day be his future. Weather guides the characters actions in The Great Gatsb y. Gatsby and Daisy reunite with each other in the pouring rain.This represents the awkwardness of seeing each other again. They fall in love again in the fair weather when the sun begins to come out. This shows that their relationship is blossoming. Seasons also guide actions in The Great Gatsby. Tom Buchanan confronts Jay Gatsby about his affair with Daisy in the heat of the summer. This is similar to the fatal encounter between Mercuito and Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet. George Wilson kills himself and Gatsby when summer turns to fall. In conclusion, The Wilsons and Jay Gatsby never fulfill their dreams of wealth.The Wilsons meet their doom just as the Valley of Ashes symbolizes when George Wilson kills himself and Myrtle Wilson is a victim in a hit and run. Jay Gatsby’s dream is never fulfilled because money and desperation control him. â€Å"Gatsby’s death is brought about by Daisy, who first lets him shield her and then deserts him; by Tom, who directs the demented Wilson to the place where he is to be found; and by Wilson himself-a representative of the ash-grey men who comes to Gatsby, in his disillusionment, as a terrible embodiment of the realities which have killed his dream† (Dyson 65). For Tom and Daisy retreat back into their money or their vast carelessness† (Burnam 112). Tom Buchanan lets George Wilson believe it was Gatsby who had an affair with Myrtle and it was his car who killed her. Daisy Buchanan doesn’t care that she is the one who actually killed Myrtle, allowing Gatsby to take the blame. The Buchanans continue to live behind a facade, never allowing anyone to see their emptiness inside.They blame their actions on others, never taking the blame. The Wilsons are not missed by anyone since their lives represent those that are socially unaccepted. Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker split up and Jordan gets engaged to another man. Nick decides to move back to the mid-west because he is sick of East Egg and its emp ty values. In each case, location has separated the characters economically, socially, and eventually defined their fate.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Community Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Community Service - Essay Example It depends upon the location and the community as well as its needs. Mostly, service includes assistance towards vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the society in their betterment. Today, community service is undertaken by almost any member of any society and not just by offenders; philanthropists, businessmen as well as students alike have the leverage to give back whatever they can and help society in their own ways. The main objectives in conducting this review was to find out the history of community service and how it helps people to reform and bring about a change in their lives, and also whether or not the same is even possible. It was found through research that many people have found it therapeutic to engage in service towards others and thus have been able to grow and learn a great deal from the entire experience. People engage in community service to introspect within their own selves as well as meet new people and help the vulnerable and weak sections of the society that we live in. This enables them to not only gain a feel good factor but also helps in bringing a smile to someone else’s face. The research conducted was doctrinal in nature. The main process for finding information regarding this review was my dependence on electronic material. ... I have also engaged in talking to people and thus collecting first hand data regarding their experiences of participating in community service. My own experience has also provided for a paragraph of information in the main article. The main guidelines that I abided by were to look over the objectives of an individual engaging in community service and why he would do so. Moreover, I looked into the background as well as looked up information regarding corporate social responsibility as a part of service towards the community by big industries and companies. The parameters and requirements that I had in mind while conducting research was to include only relevant information – especially that which is first hand in nature because experiences account for the best information regarding answers to questions based on whether or not engaging in service actually helps a person, which has been the fundamental question of an individual being a part of the community and giving back to oth ers. I selected the sources that I have because of their credibility of information and eliminated the others because I did not find them relevant enough to discuss or read. Many articles have general information about community service, however my requirements were specific to reform within an individual and how the servitude is not meant for only those that have wronged the law. Interview 1. Why is it important to have a society with community service? Community service enables people to work for society and helps them in contributing and giving back. Since it first originated for the purpose of carrying on social service on part of offenders of the law, it acted as a punitive measure to provide the offender with a chance to give back to society as well as introspect

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Monstrous Discourse & the Cultural Moment Essay

Monstrous Discourse & the Cultural Moment - Essay Example These included: Sleeping may cause humans to lack better judgement and reasoning. As a result, the lack of both of these attributes could create monsters through our imagination. This was clearly seen in his piece where the artist was surrounded by monster like creatures such as owls, bats and cats while he was sleeping. It is without doubt that each of those animals that were portrayed by Goya had their own meaning. For example; owls are thought to be mystical creatures that can be used in witchcraft. To the Spanish speaking people, owls are termed as â€Å"Lechusa† and to them; these winged birds are related to dark tales and evil spirits. Bats on the other hand are creatures of the night since they mostly appear while people are asleep. Another literal meaning of the piece was that the lack of reasoning while we sleep makes human beings come up with illusions of what the world is. As a result, these illusions could be in the form of night mares. Again, the creatures could b e termed as nightmares to the artist who was sleeping. Goya made an etching which stated that, â€Å"Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters: united with her, she is the mother of the arts and the source of her wonders† (Gamwell 78). This statement could have meant that art is a combination of reason and imagination. However, both of these attributes should have their limitations else it would turn out to be insanity. According to Goya, majority of the things that were committed by mankind and they lacked reason were actually based on the concept "sleep of reason". The Romantic Era (Romanticism period) was a period that occurred during the 18th century and it was filled with enlightenment. It was also known as the age on intellect where art was projected with a twist of emotions; that is, majority of the artistic portraits were not only a representation of what existed, but they also incorporated the aspect of feelings and emotions from the artist to the audience. During this period, there were a number of moments that took place; however, the most significant cultural moment that took place was in 1886; specifically on the 28th October 1886 while the statue of Liberty was being unveiled. The statue has a long history behind it. Before the statue was unveiled, America was at war with Britain starting 1775. This war was referred to as the American War of Independence (American Revolutionary War). The major cause of the war was that America was rejecting the colonial rule of the British. They wanted to be an independent nation. The war lasted for a period of six (6) years. And during that duration, there were thousands of casualties as a result of the fighting. In 1778, America was down with trade and they had no option but to look for allies such as France. As a sign of their support, they also declared war on Britain. In 1783, there were peace talks in Paris, France which led to the end of the American Revolutionary War. This was th e period when the statue of Liberty was given to America by France as a sign of support (endeavour) after the American Revolutionary war. The design of the statue was set up on a pedestal that had already been built on an Island that was located in New York. However, the island was later re-named Liberty Island with regard to the statue and its significance. The unveiling of the statue of Lib